Unmatched simplicity, flexibility, value, and technical support for an always-on application experience.
Start Free TrialOptimized application templates, intelligent content switching, and application-aware traffic steering over TCP/UDP ensure users obtain the best application experience.
Multi-data center and multicloud resilience by leveraging service resource awareness and DNS traffic steering across geographically distributed pools based on business-defined logic.
Protect apps against common and emerging threats with daily rule updates, including defense from injection of untrusted data, cross-site scripting, sensitive data exposure, and more.
Kemp LoadMasters reduce the cost and complexity of F5 and Citrix by providing simplified deployment options with 4-times the throughput for every dollar spent.
Cluster appliances to address increasing capacity requirements or unpredictable workloads, while also gaining ultra-resilience to avoid service interruptions.
The Kemp Edge Security Pack (ESP) provides multi-factor and pre-authentication services (LDAP, Active Directory, RADIUS, SAML), and FIPS 140-2 support with ultra-fast SSL/TLS.
Testez notre LoadMaster virtuel VLM-MAX, qui délivre un débit d'application et un TPS SSL non plafonnés. Les performances obtenues dépendent des ressources système allouées. L'essai comprend notre support technique téléphonique maintes fois récompensé, ainsi qu'une aide à la configuration et au déploiement.
TéléchargerÉvaluez gratuitement l'un de nos LoadMasters matériels. Essayez le modèle qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins et à votre environnement. S'il vous plaît, nous vous enverrons une licence. Si ce n'est pas le cas, renvoyez- le !
Démarrer l'essai gratuitOptimisés pour les déploiements de Clouds hybrides et publics, les LoadMasters de Kemp sont disponibles pour Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services et VMware vCloud Air.
Choisir sa plateformeOur products are easy to deploy, use and scale. Period.
Kemp pioneered virtual load balancers and continues to lead the way with broad hypervisor support and unique cloud products.
In a Zendesk support survey Kemp has a 99% satisfaction rate.
Kemp LoadMaster leads the industry with the best throughput and SSL TPS per $
Kemp LoadMaster supports more platforms: hardware, virtual, cloud or bare metal on HP, Dell, Cisco, Fujitsu and Oracle.
See why Kemp received the highest satisfaction score from customers in the Load Balancing Product Category.
Get the reportKemp offers free fully supported trials of all our load balancers/ADC's. Try a hardware, virtual, cloud or bare metal load balancer.
Clifford Cohen, Chief Information Officer, ASOS
Kemp is rated higher than the competition based on real-world customer feedback.
« Excellent produit et bon rapport qualité-prix. »
When comparing load balancers, throughput and SSL capacity are among the most important metrics to review to ensure optimal application performance. Kemp LoadMasters deliver scalability, security and high performance across virtual, hardware and cloud platforms, enabling customers to build and scale applications in the environment that makes the most sense for their business and customer needs. Simple and flexible licensing combines the right features and performance capabilities together to provide customers with solutions required to support the critical infrastructure that runs their business.
Learn about how Kemp compares to F5 and Citrix.
Check out the Kemp library for extensive technical information for all your Load Balancing needs.